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Thursday, 22 September 2011

a misserable friend

And then i saw her, everything changed. The light which the night before had shone so radiantly out of her eyes the day before was now nothing more than a distant memory. Now there was a river, in its place, but one with no happy reflections. A crow swooped over her face as I looked into her grieving eyes and wanted nothing more than to bring the life back into them.

Mist lay over the cause for this change as though a cloud had sunk in unison with the heart of her. Though a mask was over her face, there was evidence of her missing peaces on the ground around her; a corner with a blue sky, an edge with a friends smile, and some peaces from the middle with familiar faces. Entries into that bubble, that world of hers were often quickly banished when in this state and who could tell who that would be. So i am in the waiting room, peering through a window until a moment where i might be permitted entry.

I wanted her to be lifted up, as if a puppet, and more than anything i wished to be the one supporting the strings, but anything for the warmth to return with the spring alongside it would have pleased me plenty as it was.

The clock ticked on and still there was no change. It was like she in a comma, you could see her but nothing could be said or done to awaken her. A hug was no more than the wind, words of love were another language, hope - well that was a forgotten dream. All i desired was for an awakening. tick tock. It did not come. Tick tock. It did not come. Tick tock. It did not come.

Awaken my friend, because i miss you. Have hope my friend, because the tunnel is ending. Smile my friend, because i love you x

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