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Monday, 26 September 2011

world restored

It was a lovely summers day, three teenagers were walking through a forest with large oak and Burch trees all around them. Rays of hope shone down through the leaves and caught on there elegant faces. Twigs broke lightly under there feet as they walked. Singing birds announced there presents, as though they were royalty. All in all a happy summers day on appearance.

Of the teenagers there were two girls, Karis and Rose, both with flowing hair that reached just below their shoulders that blew in the slight breeze. The boy, James, towered above them and had his hand comfortably in Karis', his blue eyes glancing over at her every few seconds checking for her approval. Rose's emerald green eyes were fixated on the ground in front of her feet as if it held the answer to everything within its leaves. She walked glumly behind Karis and James so as to not interrupt and feeling that by seeing Karis there in front of her, although with someone else, she was still in her world and not just a ghost from some distant memory.

Rose's heart pounded against her chest, you could see it in the darkness that lay within her bodies windows. Her left hand was clutched inside her pocket as though the tighter she squeezed it the less pain she would feel. Her right was half closed and placed over her heart, feeling its beat against her chest, checking it was still beating, still working, still intact.

Just as James pulled karis in close with his arm now firmly around her waist, Rose broke. Peaces lay on the floor around her. She exploded! Not knowing what to do she barged between the two in front, breaking them as far apart as she could manage and stormed into the depth of the forest. Nothing mattered to her now, the only thing that did was gone. If she never found a way out of here, if she died here then it would be far to pleasant an end, not painful or satisfactory enough to match the pain inside her. The gloom was all around her, but she did not care.

It had been less than five minuets in that depressing existence when Rose heard a voice, the one voice which could make her look back, see reason. This voice belonged to Karis.
"Rose, Rose stop!"
Rose stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard it. Karis, having found her and only a few feet away mimicked her motion.
"Rose, come back" she whispered desperately "come back."
"you shouldn't have done that" Rose turned and faced her best friend and staring into her shining brown eyes found she could contain herself no longer. She walked up to Karis and sealed her lips in a tight embrace. Not daring to let go, for fear of what may happen next Rose placed her left arm around her friends neck keeping her as close as possible so as to mend and find hope again. Karis kissed her back with such a passion it was as though she had been freed.

After what seemed to the pair like it could have been hours and yet only seconds at the same time they broke apart. The two stared adamantly at each other, now seeing the reflection of there own desires in the other they refused to step away from each other. It was as though in this moment that they had to remain close and touching at all times, or else the world would end. The sun lit across their beaming faces as they both answered the unasked question with another kiss.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

a misserable friend

And then i saw her, everything changed. The light which the night before had shone so radiantly out of her eyes the day before was now nothing more than a distant memory. Now there was a river, in its place, but one with no happy reflections. A crow swooped over her face as I looked into her grieving eyes and wanted nothing more than to bring the life back into them.

Mist lay over the cause for this change as though a cloud had sunk in unison with the heart of her. Though a mask was over her face, there was evidence of her missing peaces on the ground around her; a corner with a blue sky, an edge with a friends smile, and some peaces from the middle with familiar faces. Entries into that bubble, that world of hers were often quickly banished when in this state and who could tell who that would be. So i am in the waiting room, peering through a window until a moment where i might be permitted entry.

I wanted her to be lifted up, as if a puppet, and more than anything i wished to be the one supporting the strings, but anything for the warmth to return with the spring alongside it would have pleased me plenty as it was.

The clock ticked on and still there was no change. It was like she in a comma, you could see her but nothing could be said or done to awaken her. A hug was no more than the wind, words of love were another language, hope - well that was a forgotten dream. All i desired was for an awakening. tick tock. It did not come. Tick tock. It did not come. Tick tock. It did not come.

Awaken my friend, because i miss you. Have hope my friend, because the tunnel is ending. Smile my friend, because i love you x

Thursday, 15 September 2011

hope and loss

I give up. This whole life, this whole system is a load of lies. We're brought up with fairy tales, hope and believing in happily ever after, but that never really happens. It's just something which gets fed to the young mind to preserve there innocents, but what's the point? All it means is that when that day comes, that day when the illusion is shattered, your falling off the top of the empire state building instead of just an office block. So why protect them?

One day nothing can make you happier then the life your living and how you spend your time. You sit there wondering how you got so lucky, because you don't deserve this, hell nobody does. Every morning there's a smile because of the rising sun and every night the prospects of the next day linger in your imagination as you fade off into closed eyed fantasy. There may be only desire for one thing, the reason your here, but that's already yours so you hold on, not daring to loosen your grip in case it fades into the awaiting emptiness of the sky above. No man alive could see you without feeling the glow and warmth radiating from you that only those who posses true happiness and nothing else can ever bestow.

However, the next day lightening strikes and your world, life, hopes are nothing more than a distant memory, a passing cloud. Now the rising sun brings you no more than a rude awaking as well as a day symmetrical to the last. Each night the darkness draws a curtain around the grey so the black and red attack you instead from both inside and out. What were once dreams filled with hope have vanished as all hope within you has disintegrated without a trace, now only the screams and evils remain. That desire you once had, that had been keeping you breathing slipped out of the tightness of your grasp as the winds blew to strong and it became no more than a spec in the distant, darkening sky.

People look at you, wondering. What torment in life could have caused any man, child or creature to become such a state. The rats are repulsed by you, the flowers shrivel in your presents, children cry at the sight of you. The radiating stays however, though now that glow which was once around you is a clouded shield which few can ever enter. You fall, you burn, you drown - you're gone.