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Monday 6 June 2011

5 things i could not live without

1. My friends - I honestly don't know how i or anybody else for that matter could live with out there friends. They are without any doubt the most important things/people in my life and they all mean the world to me and I'd do anything for them... almost.

2. My heart - of coarse everybody needs there heart to keep them alive but as you may have gathered by reading past over future posts on this blog that i prefer the emotional meaning when it comes to hearts. I think that it is more important to love then to ever do anything else as without love were are hatred, anger and range and frankly hardly there at all so it's needed.

3. Writing - everybody needs a way of expressing themselves to stop a great overload of feelings and emotions which could end badly. And writing is mine weather it be on this blog, on facebook, a random sheet of paper or anywhere really.

4. My laptop - i may have only got it a couple of weeks ago but now I'm sorry to say it's a necessity. On here i can talk to the most important people in my life, express myself, listen to the music i like, watch the TV i love and basically be free to do as i wish.

5. My phone - Okay it's fair to say I'm a fan of technology but my phone keeps me in contact with anybody i wish to whenever i like, which in my case is definitely needed as without talking to my friends i tend to go a bit crazy and do stupid things as many of them know.

So those are the 5 most important things in my life and they all mean a lot to me, especially the first in case you have not already gathered this. until next time the sun, the moon and the clouds with the magical wings ask you to smile because you deserve to :P x

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